Wood, oil, acrylic, tempera52x70 cm
Copy of the painting by Meir Pichikhadze (מאיר פיצ'חדזה ) Girl in the landscape 19773 35X50 cm, oil on canvas
30x40 cm, tempera, acrylic, oil on canvas
A copy of the painting by Yohanan Simon, "Figures in the Kibbutz"Canvas, oil, 80x65 cm.
Custom portrait for Marina Konyavsky, 30x40cm, MDF 3mm, oil, tempera, acrylic
Based on the painting by Albert Bierstadt, “Storm at Sea”Board 10mm, oil, tempera, acrylic70x50 cm
3mm MDF panel, 40х50 cm, using oil, tempera, and acrylic.
3mm MDF panel, 30х40 cm, using oil, tempera, and acryliс
3mm MDF panel, 40х30 cm, using oil, tempera, and acrylic.
50x60 сm. Board, tempera, acrylic, oil
40x50 сm. Board, tempera, acrylic, oil
35x45 cm, Canvas, oil, tempera, acrylic
Canvas, oil, tempera, acrylic; 35x45 cm
40x30 cm. Canvas, oil, acrylic, tempera
35x45 cm. Canvas, oil, acrylic, tempera
30x40 cm. Board, tempera, acrylic, oil.
Copy of Still Life with Peaches, Grapes and White Currants, Edward Ladell (1821–1886)30x40 cm. Board, tempera, acrylic, oil.